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Looking for doors

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 11:33 pm
by Fabe
Hi, does any one know of some sites where I can fine some free images of doors that are suitable for importing to model builder? The ones included are OK but I would like to add a bit more variety to my models rather then using the same doors over and over.

Re: Looking for doors

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 1:03 am
by evande
in fact we are working on offering a palette of doors for a give-away. Not quite ready yet, when they are ready they will be announced here on the forum so stay tuned.

Forpresent, I had good luck with this search: and this did you know? You can right click and image from a web search and choose "copy" then in Model builder use Edit > Paste. Adjust size as needed to fit your scale. For further copies it is best to use right click > "duplicate" instead of multiple paste(s).