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Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 2:59 am
by evande
"Why is that when "page set up" is selected, The "Units" at the top of the sheet always shows "English-inches" despite the fact that scale selected is 1:50 (metric)"

Re: Metric

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:02 am
by evande
Go to the Units drop-down menu in the Design Screen and select either:
Metric - cm (Printed Size)
or Metric - Meters (Actual)

This changes the Model Builder ruler to one of the Metric scales. If you want to set up Model Builder to always show the metric ruler, you can do so in the Program Settings area (in the file menu)

Now when you go the the Project/Page Setup... the values shown will be in metric cm not in inches.